Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Novel introduction

OK so....

I thought I might post the first few paragraphs of my latest novel, hopfully drum up some interest for future installments. Enjoy

Chapter one - Recruitment

It all started with a murder. For one of the few times in my life it was one that I wasn’t responsible for. To be fair to me though, I was only ten at the time.

I had grown up in a well-off area. My parents were millionaires, and weren’t afraid to throw the cash around. Everything I had wanted I had got, and most things I didn’t like had been removed from my path.

For example my parents had appointed a tutor when I was just four years old. He was appointed to ensure I came top of my class, and I hated him from the first day I met him. I can’t remember why, I just know that I hid from him and cried and screamed.

Unfortunately I take after my mother in as much as I have a good memory, and tests have never been a problem. I see something, or hear it, and I remember it. This meant my parents thought he was doing a great job. It took me a while to realise that coming fifth or even sixth in a school test got the poor tutor into trouble, and eventually, after a whole term of not being number one he got fired.

Looking back on it I’m not impressed with myself, but I was young, I made a lot of mistakes when I was young…..

Anyway, I’m letting my mind wander. The murder. Didn’t know him all that well, I’d seen him around the estates, and the park a few times. I kind of knew him by reputation. If my parents saw him, they went out of their way to avoid him, you didn’t talk around him, you certainly didn’t make eye contact with him. I even seem to remember my parents saying he was one of “Them”.


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