Is this Living?
An ode to depression, miserablness and general unhappiness. As promisedIs this living?
I wake up I go to work I come home, go out, come home sleep…
I wake up I go to work I come home. go out come home, sleep…
Yet the twin clouds of loneliness and despair hang in the air
Threatening to destroy the illusion of happiness I concoct around my existence
I attempt to fill my free time with friends, computers, cars, laughter
I commit myself to worthwhile endeavours,
Surround myself with people who can understand and yet…
Is it all a show?
Am I trying to escape from, or deny the underlying cause of my unhappiness?
Am I just feeling sorry for myself for the sake of it?
I have a job, I have a home, I have friends, I have everything that I need
No reason to be upset, or wonder where it all went wrong, so why…
Why do I allow myself to be ambushed by these pointless periods of self pity?
What do I hope to achieve by moaning, by endless questioning of what’s in my head
Beating myself up over doubts and uncertainties that I can’t quite define
All the while projecting an image of carelessness,
while watching my emotions boil beneath the thin Veneer.
What is the point of becoming so lonely and cutting myself off from the world
When my friends are only a phone call away?
What Is the point of questioning things I can’t change,
or worrying about things I can’t do
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